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Seal of the Senate of the State of Texas
Welcome to the official website for the
Texas Senate
Senator Paul Bettencourt: District 7
Press Release
December 12, 2024
Contact: Courtney Edwards
(512) 463-0107
Bettencourt’s “Sensible 4” for Public Education Enhancements Garners Bipartisan Support!
These “Sensible 4” bills are aimed to improve student pathways and provide the best education in Texas

Austin, TX – Senator Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston), pre-filed bills deemed the “Sensible 4” for Public Education, ahead of the 89th Legislative Session which begins on January 14, 2025. These bills are aimed at improving special education, which is a huge issue for the families of students with disabilities, authorizing the continuation of virtual and hybrid education programs to fit students’ needs, equipping students and parents with the knowledge, and empowering schools with tools to address truancy, and ensuring the safety of our students in their educational settings. The first three bills of the “Sensible 4” for Public Education are bills refiled that passed the Senate, but not the House in the previous 88th legislative session, and they have up to six joint authors each. The special education (SPED) bill will have a substantial fiscal note when it is scored officially in the 89th legislative session.

“We are going to streamline SPED, restart civil truancy procedures, improve virtual education, and improve campus safety with my ‘Sensible 4’ bills for public education. Proud these have garnered significant bipartisan support with at least six joint authors each, including Senate Education Committee Chairman, Brandon Creighton,” Stated Senator Bettencourt.

The following 4 bills that make up Senator Bettencourt’s “Sensible 4” for Public Education package include:

  1. SB 568 will dramatically improve Special Education in Texas and start a service intensity-based formula for SPED funding. (8 Joint Authors)
  2. SB 569 will enable public school districts and charter schools to offer virtual and more options to family and student demand for approaches that fit learners' unique needs. (6 Joint Authors)
  3. SB 570 will empower schools to address truancy issues civilly again. This requires school districts to establish and implement an attendance policy. (8 Joint Authors)
  4. SB 571 will expand the safety mechanisms in place through the Do-Not-Hire registry to include contractors who would be physically present at an instructional facility. (7 Joint Authors)

“The Texas Senate stands ready to lead on education reforms next session—and I look forward to working with Senator Bettencourt to advance his legislation and get it to Governor Abbott’s desk in 2025,” said the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Education, Brandon Creighton.

“I’m proud that a strong group of bipartisan Texas Senators including Creighton, Menendez, Paxton, Parker, Flores, Middleton, West, and Zaffirini have supported me as joint authors on different bills in this “Sensible 4” for Public Education package. Education has been one of my priorities since being elected to office and appointed to the Senate Committee on Education in 2015 by Lt. Gov Dan Patrick. I’m hopeful these bills will give every student the best education in Texas that we can provide!” concluded Senator Bettencourt.

Senator Bettencourt plans to file additional new legislation before the 89th Legislative Session begins.
