January 19, 2011
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AUSTIN — State Senator Joan Huffman (R-Southside Place) joined with all Republican members of the Senate in adopting the permanent rules of the Texas Senate for the 82nd Legislative Session, including the special order relating to improving our election security by requiring a photo-id to be presented. The special order allows specific legislation to be considered by a simple majority of senators.
"I voted in favor of the current rules because the Senate must adopt rules at the beginning of each session in order for the legislative process to begin. I respect the institution of the Senate and appreciate it as a deliberative body, however, I disagree with the rule commonly referred to as the 'blocker bill'. I believe the 'blocker bill' limits the representation of the citizens of Senate District 17 and the majority of Texans. As the size and scope of each senate district continues to grow, I believe a vote of sixty-percent of the members present is a fair and equitable alternative," commented Huffman.
"I look to continue to work with my colleagues to improve our process and the representation for our constituents," said Huffman.
For additional information and to read Sen. Huffman's comments in the Senate Journal visit: