Seal of the Senate of the State of Texas Welcome to the Official Website for the Texas Senate
Seal of the Senate of the State of Texas
Welcome to the official website for the
Texas Senate
December 30, 2008
(512) 463-0300


Senator Joan Huffman is administered the oath of office by Attorney General Greg Abbott. She is joined at the dais by her husband, Keith, and son, Luke.

(AUSTIN) — The Texas Senate welcomed its newest member on Tuesday, December 29, as Senator-Elect Joan Huffman took the oath of office to represent Senate District 17. SD 17 lies along the Texas coast and includes parts of Brazoria, Chambers, Jefferson, Harris, Galveston and Fort Bend Counties. Huffman won a special election to replace retiring Senator Kyle Janek. Following her swearing in, Huffman promised to work diligently for the people she represents. "I can give you this pledge. I will work hard at solving the problems the district has, I will work hard to represent the people of the district," she said. "I will do it with honor, I will do it with dignity, and I will always do my best."

Huffman is a former Harris County prosecutor and served as a judge in the 183rd District Court from 1998 to 2005.

Video: "Oath of Office Ceremony for Senator-elect Joan Huffman"

Session video and all other Senate webcast recordings can be accessed from the Senate website's Audio/Video Archive.
