Senator Mike Jackson (left), Senator Rodney Ellis, and Senator Florence Shapiro share a laugh. Can you say only three more days to Sine Die?
Ricky Garcia, Travis Broussard, and Anne Kimbol worked in the Health and Human Services committee during this session.
Linda Hopkins, Amy Brownlee, Doug Davis, and Mary Craddock find all the parts and pieces of a bill before it is considered by the Senate.
Reserving his opinion, Senator Averitt listens to Heather Harward and Josh Meeks in a healthy debate.
Young page Sam Roddy sees action at the back of the Chamber worthy of much more attention than the front.
Doug Davis getting into his work.
Nanci Longoria, assistant to the Secretary of the Senate, is the go-to source with aspirin, chocolate and answers to questions.
Nancy Alliegro can often be seen laughing. Nancy has worked for Secretary of the Senate Patsy Spaw for almost 27 years.
Nurse Practitioner Tim Flynn and Detta Haffelder.
Guillermo Vizuete, 16-month-old son of AP writer Natalie Gott tries out Senator Deuell's chair.