AUSTIN - Diez y Seis de Septiembre at the Texas State Capitol was both colorful and meaningful. Austin Senator Gonzalo Barrientos sponsored the event held in the Capitol Rotunda. The celebration marks the important day from Mexico's history when Father Miguel Hidalgo declared independence from Spain from the steps of the church in the town of Dolores, Guanajuato, now known as Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato. The call to arms on September 16, 1810 was a cry against discrimination and oppression; and the beginning of a revolution. Barrientos has sponsored the event at the Capitol for 24 years and served as the Master of Ceremonies. "If you ask me to describe Texans, I would say we are strong, proud, and fiercely independent. While this attitude was nurtured by immigrants from around the world, its seeds were planted by Mexicans," said Barrientos.
The event began with Bienvenida (welcome) from Monsignor Lonnie Reyes. Dr. Rogelio Gasca Neri, Consul General de Mexico, addressed the group. Entertainment included Mariachi Estrella, Roy Lozano's Ballet Folklorico de Texas, Conley-Guerrero Senior Ballet Folklorico, vocalist Ruby Marie Sanbrano, and Johnny Degollado y su conjunto. Dr. Ricardo Romo, President of the University of Texas at San Antonio was the guest speaker. The crowd of almost 1000 viewed the event from all floors of the Capitol Rotunda.