News Release
May 22, 2019
Contact: Erin Daly Wilson
Senator Brandon Creighton Statement on the Final Passage of SB 7

Austin, Texas—Today, Senator Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe) finally passed Senate Bill 7. The bill will now be sent to Governor Abbott to be signed.

“After months of work and collaboration to craft meaningful policy, the Texas legislature finally passed Senate Bill 7, a bill that will bring measureable relief for the victims of Hurricane Harvey, and set the state on a path to be more resilient and better prepared for future storms. It is uncharacteristic for the legislature to take such bold, proactive actions, and I am honored by the faith our colleagues put in me and Rep. Phelan to get this done—but every stakeholder, local leader and Texas family who was impacted by the storm and provided input shares in this success. Special thanks to Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Chairwoman Nelson, Chairman Perry and Chairwoman Kohlkorst for the many hours they committed to getting the best plan for a more resilient Texas.”
