News Release
May 10, 2023
Contact: Kelvin Bass
SB840 passes Senate and Texas House!

A bill borne of tragedy is but a few steps away from making the hospital workplace safer for all. SB840 is a bill brought to us as one of a legislative package in the aftermath of the fatal shooting that took place at Dallas Methodist Medical Center last Fall. Our efforts toward passage pale against the price paid by others. We are honored to have a role in attempting to prevent what happened to Jacqueline “Jackie” Pokuaa and Katie “Annette” Flowers from ever happening again.

Under SB840, the penalty for the offense of assaulting hospital personnel on hospital grounds will increase from a Class A Misdemeanor to a 3rd degree felony. It is Methodist’s and our hope that this will serve as a deterrent for anyone whose propensities and frustrations lean toward violence. We shudder the thought that more serious penalties are ever again needed. Another bill authored by Rep. Anchia creates a new offense, not the current parole violation, but also a 3rd degree felony, for tampering with or removing an electronic monitor.

On May 4, we personally met, and then introduced, Methodist Medical Center’s Sgt. Robert Rangel to the Texas Senate. If not for his swift and precise actions that day, a horribly unthinkable situation likely would have been worse. Our thoughts go to all who have lost loved ones to violence. America is at a crossroads. Let’s commit to being part the solution not a contributor to the problem.

For more information, please contact Kelvin Bass at 512-463-0123.
