News Release
February 4, 2013
Contact: Kelvin Bass
Statement from Senator West on Texas School Finance Ruling

AUSTIN — Judge Dietz's ruling vindicates those who have long espoused that Texas' Public School Finance System fails to meet the constitutionally mandated "general diffusion of knowledge" standard in providing to the students of Texas, an efficient system of public schools. This is because the system is poorly funded and the mechanism distributing the funds is also unfair. School districts have been made to struggle on reduced budgets and have found refuge in the legal system once again.

It is my hope that the leadership will listen to the court and not continue to avoid an issue that has landed us in court seven times from 1984 - 2013. School districts across the economic spectrum are of the same opinion on this. It is time for leadership to engage in the type of dialogue that directs the Legislature to take the actions needed to properly address this situation that impacts every student who enters the doors of a public school in Texas.
