Press Release
November 17, 2014
Contact: Will Krueger
(512) 463-0121
Senator Judith Zaffirini Celebrates Debut of New Oil and Gas Mobile Classroom at Costal Bend College

(BEEVILLE) — Senator Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, on Thursday (Nov. 13) joined state, local and Coastal Bend College officials in celebrating the debut of the college's new mobile Process Technology trailer, which will provide hands-on experience for students interested in pursuing careers in the oil and gas industry.

The trailer and equipment will allow CBC to provide top-quality training not only at its campus in Beeville and sites in Alice, Kingsville and Pleasanton, but also at the high schools in fourteen rural counties where the college offers dual-enrollment programs. Students who participate will receive instruction in areas including programmable logic controllers, petroleum instrumentation, oil and gas electricity and electrical power instruction.

"I am delighted that this equipment will help expand higher education opportunities in South Texas and the Coastal Bend," said Senator Zaffirini. "What's more, this mobile classroom will allow more high school students to explore careers in the oil and gas industry while gaining valuable hands-on experience and earning college credit."

The purchase of the trailer and equipment was made possible by a $347,548 grant from the state's Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) grant program. As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Zaffirini secured $25 million for the program in 2009 and an additional $10 million in 2013.

An organizer of the Eagle Ford Shale Legislative Caucus and a member of the Energy Council since 2009, Senator Zaffirini has prioritized legislation and funding that address the opportunities and challenges associated with the Eagle Ford Shale, including education and workforce needs.

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SENATOR JUDITH ZAFFIRINI, D-Laredo, joins Texas Workforce Commissioner Hope Andrade, Coastal Bend College (CBC) President Beatriz Espinoza and other regional leaders in celebrating the debut of the college's new Process Technology trailer. The mobile classroom will allow CBS to offer its oil and gas technology program to more students in the Eagle Ford Shale region.
