October 16, 2008
(512) 463-0121
State Senator Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, today highlighted the start of deer hunting season, citing both the recreational value and positive economic impact to South Texans.
"Opening day of deer season is exciting for our communities, and it also infuses dollars into our local economies. It is a win-win for South Texas communities. I will continue to strongly support efforts to expand hunting opportunities in South Texas," Senator Zaffirini said.
A recent study commissioned by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission concluded that hunting activities in Texas in 2006 generated more than $2.6 billion in retail sales, supporting more than 44,000 jobs, and created almost $1.5 billion in salaries and earnings.
"Hunting is not only great fun for many families, it's also great business," Senator Zaffirini said.
The senator's support for hunting earned her an Outstanding Legislator award from the Texas Deer Association and the title of "Alpha Doe," in recognition of her pioneering leadership for the deer industry of Texas.
Senator Zaffirini's efforts to promote deer hunting are highlighted by her legislative work to support deer harvesting, including her bill that authorizes the sale and transportation of white tail deer by scientific breeders, and legislation that created a select committee to study the deer breeding industry and its economic contributions to Texas.
"People from all over the world are attracted to South Texas because of our excellent deer hunting. While here, these tourists have a great time, and they infuse money into our local economies. I support investing in improvements to the South Texas deer herd because it's good business," Zaffirini said.
Deer season begins in earnest on Nov. 1 this year. Archery season has already begun.

SENATOR JUDITH ZAFFIRINI receives "Alpha Doe" award by the Texas Deer Association in recognition of her pioneering leadership for the deer industry of Texas. She is vice chair of the Senate Finance Committee, a member of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, and presides over two higher education subcommittees at the Texas Capitol.
The full text of the Texas Deer Association "Alpha Doe" award to Senator Zaffirini is worth noting:
For a few weeks each year, bucks gather to bicker and fight, putting the deer woods in a terrible stir. Hunters and landowners seem to focus only on bucks and, more specifically, antlers. Yet, once the rut is over, bucks drop those all important head gear and retire to lick their wounds and wait for the time to pass until the next year's rut. During the majority of the year, however, order in the deer society is maintained by the does. Chief among these is the "alpha doe." She is the one responsible for maintaining order. She is the one that is constantly vigilant for any signs of danger. She quietly keeps the younger does in line, teaching them by example; and, when necessary, through a not-so-gentle reminder that order and survival are the most important things in the deer woods. The alpha doe is the "glue" that binds deer society. Without her, deer society would collapse. So, appropriately, we have created an award, in high tribute and fond esteem, the "Alpha Doe Award" to Senator Judith Zaffirini who, through her guidance, gentle grace and calm strength, embodies these same leadership qualities, ever vigilant to protect our state, its citizens and resources.