Press Release
August 16, 2007
Contact: Nick Almanza
(512) 463-0121
Statement from Senator Judith Zaffirini Regarding the 2007 Sales Tax Holiday

(LAREDO) -- "I am proud to announce this year's sales tax holiday, which provides for so many Texas families an opportunity to purchase shoes and clothing without burdensome tax costs. Since 1999 the sales tax holiday has saved families more than $150 million in both state and local sales taxes. Despite the fact that cities can opt out of the program, no municipality has done so since 2000.

"What's more, the sales tax holiday is especially beneficial to families struggling to afford the escalating costs associated with higher education. As the cost of attending college increases, it is important to provide financial relief to promote student participation, access to education and overall student success.

"This is why I authored legislation during the 2007 and 2005 regular and the 2005 and 2006 special legislative sessions to establish two 10-day periods during which students could purchase textbooks tax-free. I created this legislation in the spirit of the state's highly successful sales tax holiday and because regressive sales taxes negatively affect low-income families. Accordingly, I continue to support and champion beneficial expansions of laws that provide not only sales tax reductions and exemptions, but also much needed financial support for students and families."
