September 17, 2021
AUSTIN, TX — Today, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) adopted a resolution directing TRS staff to prepare and issue the 13th check authorized by the Texas Legislature during the Second Called Special Session. Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa, co-author of Senate Bill 7 issued the following statement:
"I was proud to join Senator Joan Huffman as co-author of SB 7 to provide our retired teachers and other retired school personnel, a 13th check up to $2,400. This is the second 13th check the Legislature has approved for our retirees in less than four years. The $700 million in funds for this payment to our TRS retirees will come from General Revenue and not the TRS fund so that the pension fund can continue growing and become actuarially stronger."
TRS members who retired on or before Dec. 31, 2020 or beneficiaries of a retiree who died on or before Dec. 31, 2020 and meet the criteria of the legislation, including being eligible to receive their annuity payment the month before TRS issues the one-time supplemental payment, will receive the one-time supplemental payment. Eligible retirees will receive the one-time supplemental payment capped at $2,400 in January 2022. Payments will be issued in the same manner in which retirees receive their annuity payment.