Seal of the Senate of the State of Texas Welcome to the Official Website for the Texas Senate
Seal of the Senate of the State of Texas
Welcome to the official website for the
Texas Senate
Senate Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs
NOTE: This is archived committee information from the 88th Legislative Session.

Committee Information

Charles Perry

Kelly Hancock

César Blanco
Pete Flores
Roland Gutierrez
Nathan Johnson
Lois Kolkhorst
Kevin Sparks
Drew Springer


Jayna Grove

(512) 463-0340

Sam Houston Building, 335

Video/Audio Archives

88th Session Interim

88th Regular Session


The following reports are available for download:

Interim Charges

  • Water System Reliability: Evaluate water systems in Texas and identify opportunities to better equip those systems to serve the public. Review the coordination of relevant state agencies dealing with Texas water issues and identify opportunities for improved coordination and effectiveness.
  • Monitoring: Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs passed by the 88th Legislature, as well as relevant agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction. Specifically, make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, or complete implementation of the following:
    • Senate Bill 28, relating to financial assistance provided and programs administered by the Texas Water Development Board;
    • Senate Bill 1289, relating to the disposal of reclaimed wastewater;
    • Senate Bill 1414, relating to the temporary regulation of the practice of veterinary medicine by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; and
    • Senate Bill 1648, relating to the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund.