Date |
Program Title |
Play |
12/28/2000 | Texas Attorney General John Cornyn Announcing Supreme Court Decision on Secret Ballots |  |
12/28/2000 | Committee of the Whole Senate: Electing a President of the Senate |  |
12/21/2000 | Governor George W. Bush Resigns as the 46th Governor of Texas |  |
12/20/2000 | Senator Ellis, President Pro-Tempore, Press Conference |  |
12/20/2000 | Rick Perry's Oath of Office Ceremony as the 47th Governor of Texas |  |
12/18/2000 | Legislative Oversight Committee on the TEXAS and Teach for Texas Grant Programs |  |
12/18/2000 | Electoral College Certification Ceremony |  |
12/15/2000 | Press Conference: Lt. Gov. Rick Perry Appoints Representative Henry Cuellar as Texas Secretary of State |  |
12/14/2000 | Senator Ellis & Senate Parliamentarian Walter Fisher Press Briefing to Address Succession |  |
12/14/2000 | Natural Resources Committee: Water Financing Symposium (Water Financing Symposium) |  |
11/29/2000 | Legislative Budget Board Meeting |  |
11/28/2000 | Natural Resources Committee Public Hearing Dallas, TX; audio only |  |
11/27/2000 | Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. holds Press Conference on Life without Parole Bill |  |
11/15/2000 | Press Conference: Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. on School Calendar Bill |  |
11/15/2000 | Administration Committee Forum on Tick-Borne Illnesses (audio) |  |
11/13/2000 | Press Conference: Senator Jane Nelson on Privacy |  |
10/26/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Public Hearing |  |
10/23/2000 | Texas Quarter Dollar Coin Design Advisory Committee |  |
10/17/2000 | Economic Development Committee Public Hearing |  |
10/16/2000 | The Honorable Oscar H. Mauzy Memorial Service in the Senate Chamber |  |
10/09/2000 | Joint Agriculture Policy Committee Public Hearing |  |
10/02/2000 | Press Conference: Senator Gonzalo Barrientos on 'New Directions in Corrections' Conference |  |
09/28/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs |  |
09/27/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Redistricting, House Committee on Redistricting Hearing in Tyler, TX; audio only. |  |
09/26/2000 | Electric Utility Restructuring Legislative Oversight Committee |  |
09/26/2000 | Press Conference: Senator Gonzalo Barrientos with the Missing Fishermans' Family |  |
09/26/2000 | Press Conference: Senator Gonzalo Barrientos on Minority Franchise Businesses |  |
09/22/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Redistricting, House Committee on Redistricting |  |
09/22/2000 | Press Conference: Senator Royce West HUB Signing |  |
09/21/2000 | Press Conference: Lt Gov Rick Perry on Childrens Insurance Issues |  |
09/19/2000 | Administration Committee Public Hearing |  |
09/18/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Public Hearing: Lubbock |  |
09/13/2000 | Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Uninsured Gilmer, TX; audio only. |  |
09/12/2000 | Texas Quarter Dollar Coin Design Advisory Committee |  |
09/01/2000 | Senator Rodney Ellis Holds Press Conference on Medicaid Law Suit |  |
08/30/2000 | Senator Ogden Holds Press Conference on DPS Stranded Motorist Unveiling |  |
08/25/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Redistricting, House Committee on Redistricting Hearing in Lubbock, TX; audio only. |  |
08/22/2000 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee |  |
08/22/2000 | Electric Utility Restructuring Legislative Oversight Committee Houston, TX; audio only. |  |
08/21/2000 | Senate State Affairs Committee Public Hearing |  |
08/21/2000 | Texas State Poet Laureate Committee Holds Press Conference to Announce State Poets |  |
08/21/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Public Hearing: Austin |  |
08/17/2000 | Criminal Justice Committee Road meeting: Dallas, TX |  |
08/02/2000 | Senator Rodney Ellis Holds Press Conference on Tax Holiday |  |
07/28/2000 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee Ingleside, TX; audio only. |  |
07/25/2000 | Advisory Council on the Digital Economy |  |
07/11/2000 | Electric Utility Restructuring Legislative Oversight Committee Dallas, TX; audio only. |  |
07/10/2000 | Joint Agriculture Policy Committee Public Hearing |  |
07/10/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Public Hearing p.3 |  |
07/10/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Public Hearing p.2 |  |
07/10/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Public Hearing p.1 |  |
07/10/2000 | Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Public Hearing; in Dallas, TX |  |
07/08/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Redistricting, House Committee on Redistricting Hearing in Weslaco, TX; audio only. |  |
06/29/2000 | Senate Natural Resources Committee Public Hearing In Corpus Christi, TX; audio only. |  |
06/28/2000 | Advisory Council on the Digital Economy Joint Public Testimony Session with Democracy Online Project |  |
06/27/2000 | Senate Natural Resources Committee Public Hearing |  |
06/27/2000 | Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Uninsured El Paso, TX; audio only. |  |
06/21/2000 | Lt. Governor Rick Perry and Attorney General John Cornyn Hold Press Conference on Gary Graham Case |  |
06/21/2000 | Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on 911 Emergency Communications |  |
06/20/2000 | Joint Agriculture Policy Committee Abilene, TX; audio only. |  |
06/14/2000 | Human Services Committee |  |
06/14/2000 | Finance: Subcommittee on State Investments Public Hearing |  |
06/12/2000 | Senate State Affairs Committee Public Hearing |  |
06/12/2000 | Intergovernmental Relations Committee Public Hearing |  |
06/12/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Public Hearing: El Paso |  |
06/08/2000 | Senator Rodney Ellis Holds Press Conference on DNA Testing |  |
06/07/2000 | Sens. Sibley, Shapleigh, Truan, and Lucio Hold Press Conference Addressing Federal Drug Prosecution |  |
06/02/2000 | Joint Interim Committee on Health Benefit Mandates Public Hearing |  |
06/01/2000 | Senator Rodney Ellis - Acting Governor: Press Conference on Ricky McGinn / DNA Pardon. |  |
05/31/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Redistricting, House Committee on Redistricting Hearing in El Paso, TX; audio only. |  |
05/31/2000 | Joint Agriculture Policy Committee El Campo, TX; audio only. |  |
05/26/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate State Affairs Committee, Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Hearing in Brownsville, TX; audio only. |  |
05/25/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Public Hearing: Brownsville |  |
05/24/2000 | Criminal Justice Committee |  |
05/24/2000 | Senate Education Committee Public Hearing: Laredo |  |
05/23/2000 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee El Paso, TX; audio only. |  |
05/17/2000 | Lieutenant Governor Rick Perry Helps Unveil Technology Report at Capitol Press Conference |  |
05/17/2000 | Finance: Subcommittee on Tobacco Settlement Proceeds |  |
05/16/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Redistricting, House Committee on Redistricting Hearing in San Antonio, TX; audio only. |  |
05/15/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate Economic Development Committee, Senate Health Services Committee |  |
05/12/2000 | Senate Natural Resources Committee Public Hearing Brownsville, TX; audio only. |  |
05/10/2000 | Finance: Subcommittee on State Investments Public Hearing |  |
05/10/2000 | Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Uninsured Dallas, TX; audio only. |  |
05/09/2000 | Senate Administration Committee: Fort Worth |  |
05/09/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Public Hearing |  |
05/04/2000 | Finance: Subcommittee on ERS and TRS Employee Benefits |  |
04/28/2000 | Advisory Council on the Digital Economy |  |
04/27/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Public Hearing: McAllen |  |
04/26/2000 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee Edinburg, TX; audio only. |  |
04/25/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate State Affairs Committee, House Committee on General Investigation |  |
04/25/2000 | Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Consumer Credit Laws |  |
04/25/2000 | Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Private Sector Business Financing |  |
04/25/2000 | Intergovernmental Relations Committee |  |
04/20/2000 | Finance: Subcommittee on Tobacco Settlement Proceeds |  |
04/20/2000 | Finance: Subcommittee on Graduate Medical Education |  |
04/19/2000 | Senate Natural Resources Committee Public Hearing Midland, TX; audio only. |  |
04/19/2000 | Human Services Committee |  |
04/18/2000 | Criminal Justice Committee |  |
04/17/2000 | Joint Agriculture Policy Committee College Station, TX; audio only. |  |
04/17/2000 | Lt. Gov. Rick Perry Holds Press Conference on Texas Air |  |
04/15/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Redistricting, House Committee on Redistricting Dallas, TX; audio only. |  |
04/14/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Redistricting, House Committee on Redistricting Arlington, TX; audio only. |  |
04/13/2000 | Senate State Affairs Committee Hearing Houston, TX; audio only. |  |
04/12/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate State Affairs Committee, Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Hearing in Houston, TX; audio only. |  |
04/11/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Public Hearing p.2 |  |
04/11/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Public Hearing p.1 |  |
04/10/2000 | Health Services Committee: San Antonio (Audio only) |  |
04/06/2000 | Texas Grant Program Oversight Committee |  |
04/05/2000 | Education Committee Public Hearing: Houston p.2 |  |
04/05/2000 | Education Committee Public Hearing: Houston p.1 |  |
03/28/2000 | Senate Jurisprudence Committee In Houston, TX; audio only. |  |
03/27/2000 | Senate State Affairs Committee Hearing Lubbock, TX; audio only. |  |
03/27/2000 | Joint Committee on Health Benefit Mandates |  |
03/23/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Public Hearing: Houston (audio) p.2 |  |
03/23/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Public Hearing: Houston (audio) p.1 |  |
03/22/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Holds Meeting in San Antonio (audio) p.2 |  |
03/22/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Holds Meeting in San Antonio (audio) p.1 |  |
03/22/2000 | Finance: Subcommittee on State Investments |  |
03/22/2000 | Finance: Subcommittee on ERS & TRS Employee Benefit Issues |  |
03/22/2000 | Criminal Justice Committee |  |
03/21/2000 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee Killeen, TX; audio only. |  |
03/21/2000 | Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Uninsured Houston, TX; audio only. |  |
03/21/2000 | Joint Hearing: State Affairs Committee, Natural Resources Committee |  |
03/21/2000 | Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on 911 Emergency Communications (audio only) |  |
03/20/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate State Affairs Committee, House Committee on General Investigating |  |
03/16/2000 | Senate Administration Committee p.2 |  |
03/16/2000 | Senate Administration Committee p.1 |  |
03/16/2000 | TEXAS Grant Program Oversight Committee (audio) |  |
03/16/2000 | Finance: Interim Subcommittee on Graduate Medical Education |  |
03/08/2000 | Natural Resources Committee (Part II) Galveston, TX; audio only. |  |
03/08/2000 | Natural Resources Committee (Part I) Galveston, TX; audio only. |  |
03/07/2000 | Natural Resources Committee Houston, TX; audio only. |  |
03/07/2000 | Joint Hearing: Natural Resources Committee, House Environmental Regulation Committee Hearing in Houston, TX; audio only. |  |
03/06/2000 | Jurisprudence Committee: San Antonio (audio) p.2 |  |
03/06/2000 | Jurisprudence Committee: San Antonio (audio) p.1 |  |
03/04/2000 | Senate Committee on Redistricting (Part II) Houston, TX; audio only. |  |
03/04/2000 | Senate Committee on Redistricting (Part I) Houston, TX; audio only. |  |
03/01/2000 | Senate Education Committee: Midland (audio) p.2 |  |
03/01/2000 | Senate Education Committee: Midland (audio) p.1 |  |
02/23/2000 | Natural Resources Committee El Paso, TX; audio only. |  |
02/23/2000 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee San Antonio, TX; audio only. |  |
02/22/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate State Affairs Committee, Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Hearing in Irving, TX; audio only. |  |
02/17/2000 | Finance: Tobacco Settlement Proceeds |  |
02/17/2000 | Finance: ERS/TRS Employee Benefits (Charge #2) |  |
02/16/2000 | Senate Committee on Redistricting |  |
02/15/2000 | Criminal Justice Committee p.2 |  |
02/15/2000 | Criminal Justice Committee p.1 |  |
02/15/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities: Harlingen(audio) p.2 |  |
02/15/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities: Harlingen(audio) p.1 |  |
02/11/2000 | Finance: Graduate Medical Education Interim Charge (audio) p.2 |  |
02/11/2000 | Finance: Graduate Medical Education Interim Charge (audio) p.1 |  |
02/10/2000 | Senate Education Committee: Dallas (audio) |  |
02/09/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Redistricting, House Committee on Redistricting Abilene, TX; audio only. |  |
02/08/2000 | Intergovernmental Relations Committee: Houston (audio) (Audio only) |  |
02/07/2000 | Health Services Committee: Houston (audio) (Audio only) |  |
02/05/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs p.3 Eagle Pass, TX; audio only. |  |
02/05/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs p.2 Eagle Pass, TX; audio only. |  |
02/05/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs p.1 Eagle Pass, TX; audio only. |  |
02/01/2000 | Joint Hearing: Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee |  |
01/31/2000 | Natural Resources Committee Public Hearing San Antonio, TX; audio only |  |
01/31/2000 | Press Conference: Lt. Governor Rick Perry Regarding the Advisory Council on the Digital Economy |  |
01/31/2000 | Advisory Council on the Digital Economy |  |
01/26/2000 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee |  |
01/20/2000 | Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Uninsured audio only |  |
01/19/2000 | Economic Development Committee (Part II) Subcommittee on Consumer Credit Laws |  |
01/19/2000 | Economic Development Committee (Part I) Subcommittee on Consumer Credit Laws |  |
01/19/2000 | Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Private Sector Business Financing |  |
01/14/2000 | Finance: State Investments audio only |  |
01/13/2000 | Finance: Tobacco Settlement Proceeds p.2 audio only |  |
01/13/2000 | Finance: Tobacco Settlement Proceeds p.1 audio only |  |
01/13/2000 | Finance: Graduate Medical Education Interim Charge audio only |  |
01/12/2000 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs Hearing in Laredo, TX; audio only. |  |
01/12/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities p.2 audio only |  |
01/12/2000 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities p.1 audio only |  |
01/11/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate State Affairs Committee, Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs (Part II) Hearing in Laredo, TX; audio only. |  |
01/11/2000 | Joint Hearing: Senate State Affairs Committee, Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs (Part I) Hearing in Laredo, TX; audio only. |  |
01/11/2000 | Health Services Committee Hearing in Dallas, TX; audio only. |  |
12/16/1999 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Public Hearing |  |
12/16/1999 | Legislative Budget Board Public Education Round Table |  |
12/16/1999 | Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Uninsured |  |
11/30/1999 | Electric Utility Restructuring Legislative Oversight Committee |  |
11/22/1999 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee |  |
11/22/1999 | Natural Resources Committee Victoria, TX; audio only. |  |
11/19/1999 | Special Committee on Border Affairs, El Paso p.3 in progress; audio only. |  |
11/19/1999 | Special Committee on Border Affairs, El Paso p.2 in progress; audio only. |  |
11/19/1999 | Special Committee on Border Affairs, El Paso p.1 audio only |  |
11/12/1999 | Education Committee (part 2) |  |
11/12/1999 | Education Committee (part 1) |  |
11/10/1999 | Oath of Office Ceremony for Senator Van de Putte |  |
11/08/1999 | Joint Interim Committee on Health Care Mandates |  |
11/04/1999 | Health Services Committee |  |
11/01/1999 | Economic Development Committee |  |
10/28/1999 | State Affairs Committee |  |
10/28/1999 | Intergovernmental Relations Committee |  |
10/28/1999 | Human Services Committee |  |
10/27/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee |  |
10/27/1999 | Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities |  |
10/26/1999 | Natural Resources Committee Amarillo, TX; audio only. |  |
10/25/1999 | Education Committee |  |
10/19/1999 | Committee on Finance |  |
10/18/1999 | Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Uninsured |  |
10/13/1999 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs |  |
10/12/1999 | Education Committee |  |
09/30/1999 | Jurisprudence Committee |  |
09/29/1999 | Natural Resources Committee |  |
09/15/1999 | State Auditor's Meeting |  |
09/07/1999 | Lt. Gov. Rick Perry Press Conference |  |
05/31/1999 | Senate Session The Senate of the 76th Legislature adjourns sine die. |  |
05/30/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/29/1999 | Senate Session (part 2) |  |
05/29/1999 | Senate Session (part 1) |  |
05/29/1999 | Education: Conference Committee on SB 4 |  |
05/29/1999 | Criminal Justice: Conference Committee on SB 370 |  |
05/28/1999 | Senate Session (part 2) |  |
05/28/1999 | Senate Session (part 1) |  |
05/24/1999 | Senate Session (part 2) |  |
05/24/1999 | Senate Session (part 1) |  |
05/24/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
05/21/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/20/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/20/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
05/19/1999 | Nominations Committee |  |
05/19/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/18/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/17/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/17/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
05/14/1999 | Human Services Committee |  |
05/14/1999 | State Affairs Committee |  |
05/14/1999 | Economic Development Committee (Part II) |  |
05/14/1999 | Economic Development Committee (Part I) |  |
05/14/1999 | Senate Session (part 2) |  |
05/14/1999 | Senate Session (part 1) |  |
05/14/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (part 2) |  |
05/14/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (part 1) |  |
05/13/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee |  |
05/13/1999 | Economic Development Committee (part 2) |  |
05/13/1999 | Economic Development Committee (part 1) |  |
05/13/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part III) |  |
05/13/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part II) |  |
05/13/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part I) |  |
05/13/1999 | Subcommittee on Technology and Business Growth (in progress) |  |
05/13/1999 | Human Services Committee |  |
05/13/1999 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs |  |
05/13/1999 | Education Committee (partial) |  |
05/12/1999 | Natural Resources Committee (partial) |  |
05/12/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part I) (Part I only) |  |
05/12/1999 | Education Committee (end) |  |
05/12/1999 | Human Services Committee |  |
05/12/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/12/1999 | Reading and Referral of Bills |  |
05/12/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (in progress) p.2 |  |
05/12/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (in progress) p.1 |  |
05/12/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
05/11/1999 | Natural Resources Committee (in progress) |  |
05/11/1999 | Health Services Committee (Part II) |  |
05/11/1999 | Health Services Committee (Part I) |  |
05/11/1999 | State Affairs: Subcommittee on Infrastructure |  |
05/11/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/11/1999 | Message from the House |  |
05/11/1999 | Economic Development Committee (part 3) |  |
05/11/1999 | Economic Development Committee (part 2) |  |
05/11/1999 | Economic Development Committee (part 1) |  |
05/10/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part II) |  |
05/10/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part I) |  |
05/10/1999 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee |  |
05/10/1999 | Education Committee/Subcommittee on Higher Education (in progress) |  |
05/10/1999 | Jurisprudence Committee (Part II) |  |
05/10/1999 | Jurisprudence Committee (Part I) |  |
05/10/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/10/1999 | Finance Committee |  |
05/07/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/07/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee HB1 |  |
05/06/1999 | State Affairs Committee |  |
05/06/1999 | Economic Development Subcommittee on Technology and Business Growth |  |
05/06/1999 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs |  |
05/06/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/06/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
05/06/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee HB1 |  |
05/06/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part III) |  |
05/06/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part II) |  |
05/06/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part I) |  |
05/05/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part II) |  |
05/05/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part I) |  |
05/05/1999 | Education Committee (Part II) |  |
05/05/1999 | Education Committee (Part I) |  |
05/05/1999 | Intergovernmental Relations Committee (Part I) |  |
05/05/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/05/1999 | Intergovernmental Relations Committee (Part II) |  |
05/05/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (part 2) |  |
05/05/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (part 2) |  |
05/04/1999 | Health Services Committee (in progress) |  |
05/04/1999 | Economic Development Committee (Part I) (Part I only) |  |
05/04/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/04/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (part 1) |  |
05/04/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
05/04/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
05/03/1999 | Subcommittee on Higher Education |  |
05/03/1999 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee |  |
05/03/1999 | Jurisprudence Committee |  |
05/03/1999 | Senate Session |  |
05/03/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
05/03/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (part 2) |  |
05/03/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (part 1) |  |
05/02/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 |  |
04/30/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/30/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (part 2) |  |
04/29/1999 | State Affairs Committee |  |
04/29/1999 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs |  |
04/29/1999 | Senate Session (part 2) |  |
04/29/1999 | Senate Session (part 1) |  |
04/29/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
04/29/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (part 2) |  |
04/29/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 (part 1) |  |
04/28/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee |  |
04/28/1999 | Human Services Committee |  |
04/28/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/27/1999 | State Affairs Committee |  |
04/27/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/27/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 |  |
04/27/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 |  |
04/27/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
04/27/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
04/26/1999 | Subcommittee on Higher Education |  |
04/26/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/26/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
04/26/1999 | Finance: Conference Committee on HB1 |  |
04/26/1999 | Anita Perry, Crime Victim Proclamation |  |
04/23/1999 | Education Committee |  |
04/23/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/22/1999 | State Affairs Committee |  |
04/22/1999 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs |  |
04/22/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/22/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
04/22/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
04/21/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee |  |
04/21/1999 | Education Committee (Part II) |  |
04/21/1999 | Education Committee (Part I) |  |
04/21/1999 | Intergovernmental Relations Committee |  |
04/21/1999 | Human Services Committee (Part II) |  |
04/21/1999 | Human Services Committee (Part I) |  |
04/20/1999 | Natural Resources Committee |  |
04/20/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part II) |  |
04/20/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part I) |  |
04/20/1999 | Economic Development Committee |  |
04/19/1999 | Subcommittee on Higher Education |  |
04/19/1999 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee |  |
04/19/1999 | Jurisprudence Committee |  |
04/19/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/19/1999 | Finance Committee |  |
04/16/1999 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs |  |
04/16/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/15/1999 | Natural Resources Committee (Part II) (Part II only) |  |
04/15/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part IV) |  |
04/15/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part III) |  |
04/15/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part II) |  |
04/15/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part I) |  |
04/15/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/15/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
04/15/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
04/15/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
04/14/1999 | Education Committee (Part III) |  |
04/14/1999 | Education Committee (Part II) |  |
04/14/1999 | Education Committee (Part I) (interupted due to technical problem) |  |
04/14/1999 | Intergovernmental Relations Committee (Part I) (Part 1 only) |  |
04/14/1999 | Human Services Committee |  |
04/14/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part III) |  |
04/14/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part II) |  |
04/14/1999 | Criminal Justice Committee (Part I) (Part 1 interupted due to technical problem) |  |
04/13/1999 | Natural Resources Committee (Part II) |  |
04/13/1999 | Natural Resources Committee (Part I) (Interrupted due to technical problem) |  |
04/13/1999 | State Affairs Committee (last half due to technical problem) |  |
04/13/1999 | Economic Development Committee (Part I) (Part 1 only) |  |
04/13/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/13/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
04/13/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
04/12/1999 | Jurisprudence Committee |  |
04/12/1999 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee |  |
04/12/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/12/1999 | Finance Committee |  |
04/09/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/09/1999 | Finance Committee (part 3) |  |
04/09/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
04/09/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
04/08/1999 | State Affairs Committee (interrupted due to system crash) |  |
04/08/1999 | Economic Development Subcommittee on Technology and Business Growth |  |
04/08/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/08/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
04/08/1999 | Finance Committee (part 4) |  |
04/08/1999 | Finance Committee (part 3, interrupted due to technical problem) |  |
04/08/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
04/08/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
04/07/1999 | Education Committee (Part II) |  |
04/07/1999 | Education Committee (Part I) |  |
04/07/1999 | Human Services Committee |  |
04/07/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/07/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
04/07/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
04/06/1999 | Natural Resources Committee |  |
04/06/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part II) (partial, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.) |  |
04/06/1999 | State Affairs Committee (Part I) (partial, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.) |  |
04/06/1999 | Economic Development Committee |  |
04/06/1999 | Senate Session |  |
04/06/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
04/06/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
03/31/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
03/31/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
03/30/1999 | State Affairs Committee |  |
03/30/1999 | Economic Development Committee (Part 1) (Part 1 only) |  |
03/30/1999 | Senate Session |  |
03/30/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
03/30/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
03/30/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
03/29/1999 | Jurisprudence Committee |  |
03/29/1999 | Subcommittee on Higher Education |  |
03/29/1999 | Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee |  |
03/29/1999 | Senate Session |  |
03/29/1999 | Finance Committee |  |
03/25/1999 | State Affairs Committee |  |
03/25/1999 | Senate Special Committee on Border Affairs |  |
03/25/1999 | Senate Session |  |
03/25/1999 | Local and Uncontested Calendar |  |
03/25/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
03/25/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
03/24/1999 | Education Committee |  |
03/24/1999 | Human Services Committee |  |
03/24/1999 | Senate Session |  |
03/24/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
03/24/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
03/23/1999 | Natural Resources Committee |  |
03/23/1999 | State Affairs Committee |  |
03/23/1999 | Senate Session |  |
03/23/1999 | Finance Committee (part 2) |  |
03/23/1999 | Finance Committee (part 1) |  |
03/22/1999 | Joint Hearing: Education Committee, Subcommittee on Higher Education |  |
03/22/1999 | Education Committee (Part II) |  |
03/22/1999 | Education Committee (Part I) |  |
03/22/1999 | Senate Session |  |
03/22/1999 | Finance Committee |  |